How to disable right-click and pop-up massage as image alert

The suggestion is simple; this is a way to hide the menu displayed with the right mouse button. Thanks to it, you can see that part of your code is used on the website, hotlinking or downloading your images, copying your text or simple aesthetics, etc... 

But how is that I customize?  To hide just simply add the following lines above the </body>

Disable Click on Right Mouse

When You Right Click Here What's You See.! 

If you want to be like this click and download the scrip below.

*****when right click pop up alert image massage****
put the code below before the </body>
// Disable Right Click  and Pop up Massage
var DADrccolor = "#F1F1F1";
var DADrcimage = "";
<script src='' type='text/javascript'></script>

<script type="text/javascript">
if (window.jstiming) window.jstiming.load.tick('widgetJsBefore');

The highlight is the image we set for alert pop up you can change and insert new image as what you want. 


Another Useful Script: 

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